By Dr.Agha Inamullah Khan

As a child my favourite cartoon on tele, was Pink Panther, and my ideal leader was Zulifqar Ali Bhutto, and after his tragic hanging his daughter Benazir was, that I consider a true democratic leader who had vision not just for Pakistan but for the rest of third world tangled in paws of giant Super powers who sucked the very marrow from the bones of the poor developing nations.                                                             
I do not watch cartoons anymore, but I find today's Pakistani politicians; post Benazir's assassination, quite entertaining.                                                                  
All nationalists parties in Pakistan these days are actually replica of, or offshoots of  Jiye Sindh Students Federation, their Godfather being, late G M Syed.                      
The Jiy Sindh Student Federation (JSSF) is an organization founded on 17th January 1972. Its professed aims were, are " to help needy and poor students; to struggle for the basic human rights of people of Sindh Province; to make efforts to unite youth via one platform; to struggle for freedom in Sindh; struggle for solution of youth problems. The organization seeded and flourished from within the premises of University of Sindh Jamshoro. It publishes a monthly magazine in Sindhi language called Paigham –i- Sindh.                                                                                              
The organization got its real strength and more recruitment of the youth during the Martial Law of General Zia ul Huq, especially after hanging of the elected Prime Minister Mr Zulifqar Ali Bhutto( a sindhi) when he was hanged to death on the orders of the supreme Court of Pakistan charged in a fake murder case of Ahmad Raza Qasuri. The rising movements in Sindh and Punjab were suppressed at gunpoint by Khaki panthers. A fake cultivated agitation by then Mullas with the support of Urdu speaking populations specifically of Hyderabad and Karachi, imported by Liaqat Ali Khan, turned out to be a reason for Khaki panthers to topple Bhutto's regime, in fact on the orders dictated behind the close doors by CIA, punishing Bhutto for being tirelessly involved in empowering Pakistan into a nuclear state.                                 
Bhutto being sindhi, most of the wave of terror out leashed by the Khaki uniforms was against Sindhis, out on the roads, against students in colleges, universities, against working class sindhis in government sector, private sector, in every sphere they were being targeted, this ultimately fueled the already established Jiye Sindh Student Federation, legitimizing its demand for separate homeland for sindhis now as Sindhu Desh.                                                                                                            
Soon it turned into Tehreek(movement). JST as Tehreek represents the interests of the Sindhis in their own province. The activities of the Jiye Sindh, a separatist organization were banned in the province of Sindh on September 9th 1989 during Benazir Bhutto's regime, for it being anti-state.                                                            
The founder of the tehreek G.M. Syed had to flee to Baluchistan and then to Punjab, where he was arrested on September 10th 1989 and handed over to Sindh Police.    
The dictator General Zia used all means to buy his loyalties, by sending delegations from time to time, and even army bulldozers were sent to cultivate his barren agriculture lands in Sunn, in district Dadu, Sindh. President of Pakistan then, Gen   Zia sent him bouquets when Syed was hospitalized.                                                    
The West German bulletin stated that on 19th September 1990, the president of the Jiye Sindh, G.M.Syed was released from prison and proceedings against him were halted. According to the Far Eastern Economic Review, the Jiye Sindh is a Sindhi chauvinist movement that plays upon the Sindhis resentment against the constant influx of non-Sindhis in to the province.                                                                         
(Far Eastern Economic Review June 14th 1990, page.22).                                          
It was at this time the new separatist group MQM(Mohajir Quomi movement) was recruiting Mohajirs(urdu speaking migrants from India post partition of subcontinent) who were welcomed in Sindh by Sindhis as they had no home, with the promise to Mohajirs for a separate province even at the cost of breaking Pakistan, recalling the success of Bengalis in obtaining the separate state as Bangladesh.                           
Finally, Revolutionary and Dissident Movements listed the Jiye Sindh in a section entitled "Separatist Groups " and referred it as one of the " new nationalist group " that emerged as a result of the civil unrest in August 1983 and August 1986 (Degenhardt p. 264).                                                                                                      
MQM to show its strength laid a war first with an old and new pushtoon settlers, populated mainly in Karachi and Hyderabad, and then with their hosts, the Sindhis with the secret backing of Pak Army. Mostly populated with soldiers from Punjab province, Pak Army had to engineer the game plan on same patron as British Raj in India, of divide and rule, the main objective being to suppress the growing popularity of Pakistan's People's Party and that of Bhutto's daughter Benazir. To look at the terrorist organization MQM, its administrative set up is based on sectors like that in Pak Army. The idea and plan passed on between the secret services of Pakistan, then chief Minister Sindh, Ghous Ali Shah and Mohajir intellectuals and separatists.  
I remember back in 2007, during the agitation in its full swing started by judges of Pakistan against then president R General Musharraf, we often laughed over a cup of tea, saying General Musharraf is the sector in charge of MQM Islamabad.             

In 1935, Sindh became independent of Bombay and in April 1936 acquired provincial status. An advisory committee was established to assist the Governor until elections could be held. Sir Shahnawaz Bhutto; father of late Ex-Prime minister of Pakistan, Mr  Zulifqar Ali Bhutto was named advisor to then Sindh Governor, Sir Lancelot Graham. The very same year Sindh Itehad party was founded on the pattern of the Punjab's non- communal unionist party; and Seth Haji Abdullah Haroon was elected its president. Allah Bux Soomro also joined. The Sindh Itehad party took part in the 1937 elections and achieved notable success. G.M.Syed was among many Itehad candidates who won the elections. However the party president lost to Khan Bahadar Allah Bux Gabol in Karachi, while deputy leader Shahnawaz Bhutto conceded victory to Shaikh Abdul Majid Sindhi in Larkana. The titles; Khan Bahadurs, or Sir as we know were awarded to all those family, Feudal or Industrialists who were well-wishers of British Raj. In house of 60, following was the party positions.                                                                                                               

Ittehad Party  …………………………………………    24                                              
Sir Ghulam Hussain's Muslim Political Party…………03                                             
Shaikh Abdul Majid Sindhi's Azad Party………………03                                              
Independent ……………………………………………..23                                             

No party could enjoy absolute majority, but since the Sindh Itehad party had emerged as largest single entity in the House, it should have been invited to form a government. However, in utter violation of all parliamentary norms, Governor Lancelot Graham invited Ghulam Hussain Hidayatullah's Muslim Political Party who could only avail 03 seats out of house of 60, to form a government. Three European members were instructed to support Sir Ghulam Hussain. Like I mentioned titles like Khan bahadar and Sir were awarded to darling boys of British Raj. Sir Ghulam Hussain began offering two ministries and the speakership of the House of independent Hindu members. Later he lured the Baloch group of the Itehad Party by offering them a ministry. As a result, Itehad party had to sit in opposition benches under the Leader-ship of Allah Bux Soomro together with the Congress members.    
The members of the Itehad party had to seek the support of all India parties like the Congress and the Muslim League, in order to seek the separation of Sindh from Bombay.                                                                                                                         
Today's sindhis could only regret on such move made in past, considering all that has been done to them since its separation from Bombay.                                          
The all –India parties did help but still those seeking autonomy of Sindh from Bombay had to pay a heavy ideological and political price for it. The Muslim Leaguers got their price in the shape of separate electorates and weightage in Muslim minority provinces, and the Government got political mileage by giving the Governor more powers for recovery of funds advanced for the construction of the Sukkur Barrage. The Sindh Assembly was paralyzed and thrown at the mercy of the Governor. The British government had earlier allowed Sindh to pay the cost incurred on the barrage in easy installments but after Allah Bux Soomro assumed the charge he was compelled to pay the money in a shorter time and in unaffordable installments. Soomro found no other option but to increase taxes, which eventually broke the ruling coalition then, and that consisted of three parties and even the Itehad party broke in to two.                                                                                          
The other loss was typical Sindhi nature, of a Sufi, and not a militant, unlike today's Islamic militants of Tehrik Taliban Type, or Lashkars like Jhangvi, or terrorist organizations like MQM, or had any European support, even though they were secular; to start any agitation, or civil disobedience in order to achieve their goals of getting themselves their due share or legitimate demands. On the contrary; for ages sindhis are wedded to the concept of peace, brotherhood and tolerance and forgiveness (the real message of Islam in fact), hence they were held powerless in the background and Sindh fell victim in the hands of elements who propagated and sowed the very seeds of communalism and religious intolerance.                               
The Sindh Assembly, instead of serving the people of the province by removing poverty, ignorance and lawlessness, became House of Horse traders for whom everything was fair for getting power. Now the people who had waged struggle were beginning to look at things from a Hindu and Muslim perspective and lost their true Sindhi identity.                                                                                                               
The division of sub- continent divided Pun jab and Bengal in to geographic entities whereas Sindh was divided as a Nation. Generations and generations over millenniums; born, nurtured and the ashes of whom were fertilizing the vegetation of land of Sufis had to leave Sindh due to the partition based on Hindu and Muslim.  The Sindh of Sufis and Sadhus was engulfed in the flames of communal ism. Many of those who were obliged to leave were the very same who had played a great role in contributing to the material welfare of Sindh and to its linguistic and intellectual advancement. Among them were the devotees of Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai, Sachal Sarmast and Sami. They included people like Dr. Gurbakshani, Kalyan Advani, Lal Chand Amardinomal, Jethmal Parsram, Bherumal M. Advani, T.L. Waswani and many others.                                                                                                                  
The main incident that engulfed Sindh in Communalism was that of Masjid Manzal Gah at Sukkur.                                                                                                               
I bet the incidence that took hundreds of lives and loss of millions worth of property was to be blamed both on Hindu and Muslim extremists.                                             
The Mosque indeed that it was at manzal Gah, was under illegal occupation of Hindus, who used to store liquor in its premises. Hindus objected if the mosque was handed back to Muslims, it would violate the privacy of female pilgrims who used to come for worship in Sadhu bella temple right across; along the bank of Sindhu( Indus river).                                                                                                                    
On November 14th, 1939, G M Syed was arrested along with Agha Nazar Ali Pathan from Sukkur, Dr. Mohammad Yamin, Nematullah Qureshi, Shaikh Wajid Ali from Shikarpur, Qazi Fazlullah from Larkana, Pir Ghulam Mujadid Sirhindi of Shikarpur and Agha Ghulam Nabi Pathan from Sultankot ( who had marched 55 km from Sultankot calling every one for Jihad as he passed from various small villages and towns, to fight for the liberation of mosque from Hindu occupation. He was my    grandfather, and I condemn the act, and blame both Hindus and Muslim.                    
It was turning point in the independence of Pakistan, breaking of sub-continent and   black spot on the fair name of Sindh.                                                                           
We witnessed murder of ZA Bhutto, an elected Prime Minister of this country.           
Not very long ago we witnessed assassination of Ex-Prime Minister and first female Prime minister of Muslim World Benazir Bhutto, and the horrific bombardment of Baloch tribes, that lead to death of another lion of the desert Nawab Akber Khan Bugti. A well planned move to refresh the old wounds in Baloch nation that would earn their conscience a justified right on all humane grounds, to defend themselves and to fight for their rights; no matter who helps them in this cause. Today's escalated guerrilla strikes and insurgency in Balochistan is result of that cruel action, and we all very well know which agencies are supporting their cause and we are well aware of their goals as well, and that is not just to steal mineral wealth of Bloch; but also to create buffer between remaining Pakistan after its previous shattering back in 1971 in to Bangladesh by creating one buffer there between it and India.                            
ZA Bhutto was hanged at the hands of dictator Gen Zia and Benazir and Bugti during Rt. General Musharraf's rule.                                                                                        
Latter he was awarded a safe escape after filing of cases against him for his alleged involvement in both Bhutto and Bugti's murder.                                                           
Just few days before his scheduled flight from Dubai to return to Pakistan to reactivate his miniature party; he indirectly threatened all those who if wished to nail him.                                                                                                                                
He said," mein derta verta kisi sy naee oun"(I am not scared of any one) and that no one can stop him from returning to Pakistan and that since he has left Pakistan, the country has turned in to a lot of mess. And that on his return the current Khaki panther in uniform knows what to do and how to support the veteran.                          
He has now officially filed nomination papers to contest 2013 elections from Chitral in KPK and Karachi.                                                                                                         
MQM since Bugtti's murder, has always on each forum raised the voice for the rights of Bloch and demanded an independent inquiry to probe in the murder of Nawab Akber Khan's murder, 

but unlike rest of political parties never opened their lips against Rt. General Musharraf who boldly claimed the murder of Bugti a result of operation against terrorists.                                                                                          
So where does MQM stand now, is it Mutahida Quomi Movement who would raise voice for all oppressed people of Pakistan or prove itself that it is actually the same Mohajir Quomi Movement deceptively masked as Mutahida which does not value anything over the interests of Mohajirs and would continue to support the murderer Rt. General Pervez Musharraf; by voting him to win a seat from Karachi. Its test of time for MQM to prove itself as it claims to be Huq Parast or Mohajir Parast.              
Strange combination is chosen by the Rt. General, Chitral and Karachi.                     
The forces behind the scene who support Rt. General Musharraf and even hosted him for more than five years in London are the same who have harbored MQM's Godfather Altaf Hussain for more than two decades.                                                   
Strange enough courts in London despite knowing the culprits, who murdered MQM activists Dr Imran Farooq in London, are yet to disclose the murderer.                        
What was the motive behind murder of Benazir and Bugti.                                          
If it is to do with creating political unrest, civil war, and ultimate balkanization of Pakistan, then why Pak Army and the secret services in Pakistan are allowing Musharraf to contest elections in Pakistan, when his mere presence in Pakistan is controversial; keep aside letting him contest the elections when he is going through a trial of dual murder case. Is the Supreme Court going to be silent on this, and prove some other institution's supremacy? It did not hesitate to sack and disqualify Prime Minister Gillani for not writing a letter to Swiss authorities against the sitting President; is it going to spare Musharraf for a dual murder case? And if it does, then fingers will rather be raised on the credibility of Pak Army who has behaved with great patience for the first time in the history of Pakistan by not interfering and allowing the government to complete its five year tenure despite the flaws in governance and corruption. We will be left with the impression once again, that once you wear Khaki uniform, whether in service or without, you are above every law in Pakistan. It would be such a disgrace, especially when Pakistan is beginning to evolve towards a better Pakistan, where things are not accepted any more without being unanimously reasoned at some forum. And whether anyone agrees with me or not, the credit for that goes to the sacrifice of Bhuttos lives for democracy. The circumstances since ZA Bhutto's government's  toppling, his arrest, his two years life in prison, his hanging, post hanging political scenario, Benazir and Nusrat Bhutto's detainments, house arrests, and her assassination, the imprisonments of party workers and supporters, public leashing, mass murders, bombardment of sindhi populated villages like Sekhat, in then district Hyderabad and near Kandiyaro and all these events acted as learning process for people of Pakistan, and consciously or unconsciously has taught them the importance of their ballot.                                      
I remember , 25 years ago as a student in medical college in Jamshoro, I went along with two of my friends to interview  a famous writer Madam Noor ul Huda shah, who has now been nominated as minister in caretaker set up in Sindh until elections on 11th May 2013; for our college magazine. During our frank discussion on political circumstances then back in 1986, she said," Man like ZA Bhutto to come in power and take the reins of this country was need of the hour then, and so was his hanging, similarly I believe Benazir's coming to power is need of the hour and so would be her assassination. Fate of the nation's only change when leaders sacrifice their lives." I guess they both proved it, what else nation requires now!! Not just that we have to see now, how Madam Noor ul Huda Shah behaves while she is in power even if it is for two months only; after sharing that valid opinion of hers with us, which has been ringing in my heart and mind for nearly 25 years now.                                                                                               

Many senior journalists and men in secret services believe that Rt. General Musharraf  has been called to bridge the gap between those who raise voice," Riasat bachao siasat naee"( save the state and not politics), "huq parast'( followers of truth), "awam tabdeely chahtay hein (people need change), and between " sub sy pehlay Pakistan"( Pakistan First).                                                                                              
I can't see "Roti Kapra aur Makan"( Food, clothes and Shelter) in the farthest possible glimpse. Perhaps that slogan is being taken care of now by UN and other international NGOs working in Pakistan post-Earthquake in Kashmir and Flash Floods 2010 in Sindh and Punjab, scientifically engineering disasters to find the reason to be here with the hidden motive, which will probably be half served by our very own people and so called politicians.
I see my last hope in Pak forces, I hope we have no more Yahya khans in that lot, and I hope Musharraf is not re incarnated Yayha.
But still he would need the other end in Sindh to form that bridge, if his one end is MQM already; who is it going to be if not PPPP. Pardon me for not mentioning Pagara's Muslim League Functional who was successful in gathering more than million sindhis in one procession in protest against dual administrative system in Sindh. Besides traditional speeches given by politicians, Pagara boldly claimed in front of million Sindhis that," hum angrez k pitho naee, hum pak fouj k pitho hein"( we are the slaves of Pak Army and not English).
So the bridge would be formed between Tahir ul Qadri, Imran Khan, Altaf Hussain, Pir Pagara and Rt General Musharraf's party, I do not even remember its name if it exists.

Back in 1990s, Nadeem Darr was a major in Sindh Rangers. Nadeem raided MQM headquarters "90" and revealed alleged Jinnahpur (Mushdesh) conspiracy by recovering maps and flags of proposed state that was to be carved out of Pakistan. He claimed MQM killed his son during Rt. General Musharaaf's rule, in reprisal for exposing this conspiracy plan, that would result in ultimate balkanization of Pakistan.
MQM maintains the claim that it never conspired to break Karachi and other areas away from Pakistan and Jinnahpur (Mushdesh) conspiracy was a mere blame game to malaign the growing popularity of MQM, as it speaks of masses of oppressed from all class in Pakistan.
We are also aware of the fact to reinforce this claim by MQM, seeking an opportunity when Earthquake devastated Kashmir, the million dollar worth of aid that came from people of Pakistan for the Earthquake victims, most of the trucks coming out of Islamabad airport or through road were stopped at law enforcing agencies check posts, bannered with captions that read MQM, to materialize the sympathy for the terrorist organization, and also in order to popularize it to be not just mere group that represents Mohajirs(Migrators) localized in Sindh only, but that it is rather a party that has roots throughout Pakistan.
In an interview with Daily Ummat ( a newspaper), Mr Nadeem Darr, spoke on an issue that emerged after when Zulifqar Mirza  infront of a press conference, accused MQM of collaborating with the United State to divide Pakistan. Speaking at lengths Mr Nadeem Darr said he still stood by his statement that," MQM had conspired against Pakistan and " will continue to do so as long as Mr Altaf Hussain is protected and nurtured in London." He further went on saying that Security forces had no personal vendetta against MQM and we were just doing our job. It was not just that we worked against MQM, an action had been taken against all criminals.
Strange enough, no such action any further was taken against MQM throughout PPPP's government in Sindh in five years, may be because MQM was a strong ally of PPPP government to continue in Sindh, which otherwise was impossible. However we did witness after Zulifqar Mirza's press conferce exposing MQM, a large scale operation was started in Liyari(  a baloch and Sindh speaking majority area which is Mirza's strong hold) and the people of Liyari called for SOS, on all social media, to help save their lives.
However should we give here credit to Musharraf's governance for atleast initiating the bold step to go for "90", or was it just a drama to show his impartiality as head of the state, and chief executive of the Armed Forces of Pakistan, even though he is being considered as Mohajir( Migrator), whose family migrated from Delhi in Inida.

Mr Nadeem Darr stated that as per his information," MQM has much more complex network than other criminal groups. It has several wings, unconnected and unidentified to each other. If an MQM worker unauthorized  passes on certain information significant or otherwise to other activists within the organization, he is killed. I have proofs he said, that a man name Tariq, from Aziz Abad was murdered in presence of Altaf Hussain for merely asking a question."
The former Rangers Officer says there were only two close confidants of Altaf Hussain, one being Babar Ghouri and the other Saleem Shehzad. They both oversee a separate intelligence unit, which is used for recce in the target's area. A different wing is used for action against the target and that is called the operational wing. This wing is operated by the sector in charge and unit in charge is kept in the dark on any mission. The unit in charge only liaisons political and public contacts while the sector in charge's job is to teach lessons( punishments) and he is trained for this task. After intelligence gathering , the sector in charge selects a hitman from its squad and briefs him on the target , telling where it would be hit, how and when.
While being further questioned by the interviewer as to on what bases was Mr Nadeem Darr making such concrete statements , he further went on saying," Mustafa Kamal the most popular Nazim of Karachi, who was entertained by high officials whenever he visited USA ( which is something of significance) was involved in the killing of MQM chairman Azeem Tariq, who had political differences with the Godfather Altaf Hussain. The party had a history of elevating the killers to top posts. Darr conceded that there were other reasons for Kamal's nomination as Karachi City Nazim and that is Jinnahpur.
MQM had approved Jinnahpur conspiracy back in January 1991, a meeting that was attended by Azeem Ahmed Tariq, Imran Farooq, Farooq Sattar and Altaf hussain. Jinnahpur idea had been floated by Imran Farooq but when Aamir Khan and Afaq Ahmed picked up on the plan, they tried to convince Altaf Hussain that public would not welcome this plan and they disagreed with Altaf Hussain. Altaf Hussain tried to explain to them that he would use this slogan for political gains only without any concrete implementation, to ensure that if army takes action against MQM, then they will enlist help from India. He was only speaking to pacify Aamir and Afaq but in fact he had been authorized to work on the plot, claimed Mr Nadeem Darr.
Afaq and Aamir later broke away from MQM, and formed their own party MQM Haqiqi ( The real MQM).
Darr says maps, flags and documents on Jinnahpur had been recovered from sophisticated lockers at the 90 ( MQM head Quarter in Azizabad Karachi).
These were the master copies and another stock was found at AlKaram Square, he added.
The original blue print of Jinnahpur showed Badin, Thatta, Hyderabad, Lasbela and Karachi as part of new state. They plotted to break away this territory with Indian help and Thar was to be made part of India with area up to Mirpurkhas coming into MQM folds." Darr said.
Imran Farooq and Azeem Tariq, two of the four main players in Jinnahpur conspiracy, are now dead but Afaq and Aamir knew about it, he said.
The former officer said he had challenged ex-brigadier Imtiaz on his claims that no maps had been recovered from MQM offices. Darr also challenged Rt. Naseer Akhtar for similar claims, saying that the former general had many petrol pumps in Karachi, and his statements had come due to business consideration.
Nadeem Darr said he had to flee the country after his home and family was targeted.
"I lost the son and second was wounded when I took him when I left Pakistan with him in 2001. My house was burnt down. A government house in Gujranwala was also set on fire. I survived assassination attempts in Islamabad and when I moved to Dubai, hurdles had been created for me to do business there as well, he stated.

Keep pondering now, Rt. Gen Musharraf's return, his decision to contest elections 2013 from Karachi with MQM support, after five years of luxurious stay in London, where the MQM Godfather is already being sheltered for more than two decades, proves a great conspiracy plan well intact and going by the book.
Also to mention the seminar arranged by Britain's Foreign Policy Center held in House of Commons in London on June 27th 2006, followed by one attended by British MPs and MI6, to support Bloch to liberate Baluchistan.

Daar's describing of MQM can only remind me to consider MQM to be replica of Al Pechino's movie "God father".

The Security protocol Rt. General Musharraf was given at the airport proves he is up to something, or more specifically to say they are up to something.
Off course the US war against terrorism started by Bush the junior, he was their main ally; I will not say Pakistan but Musharraf, because every time US administration spoke of role of Pakistani support in achieving what US has so far achieved in their so called war against terrorism, they hardly praised Pakistan but rather Musharraf.

And if he has been promised a win on one of the seats in Karachi by MQM, what is the agenda?

I received a funny text message today from a friend today, which says "Amendment, This year in Pakistan April fool's day will be celebrated on 11th May 2013.(lol). 11th May 2013 is actually the scheduled date for upcoming elections in Pakistan.

On December 30th 2007, three days post assassination of ex-prime minister of Pakistan and the first female prime minister of Muslim world Benazir Bhutto, Michael Chossudovsky; a professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa and a director for Research on Globalization, the author of international best seller "America's war on terror" Global Research published in 2005, issued a report. The whole report was about destabilization of Pakistan; however I am quoting few paragraphs that I think are of significance especially in connection to current situation in Pakistan.

"The assassination of Benazir Bhutto has created conditions which contribute to ongoing destabilization and fragmentation of Pakistan as a Nation.
The process of US sponsored "regime change", which normally consists in the re-formation of a proxy government under new leaders, has been broken. Discredited in the eyes of Pakistani public opinion, General Pervez Musharraf cannot remain in the seat of political power. But at the same time, the fake elections supported by the "international community" scheduled for January 2008, even if they were to be carried out, would not be accepted as legitimate, thereby creating a political impasse.
There are indications that the assassination of BB was anticipated by US officials.
Without evidence, quoting Pakistan government sources, the western media in chorus has highlighted the role of Al Qaida, while also focusing on the possible involvement of ISI.
What these interpretations do not mention is that the ISI continues to play a key role in overseeing Al Qaida on behalf of US intelligence. The press report fails to mention two important and well documented facts:
The ISI maintains close ties to the CIA. The ISI is virtually an appendage of the CIA.
Al Qaida is a creation of the CIA. The ISI provides covert support to Al Qaida, acting on behalf of US intelligence.
The involvement of either Al Qaida and/ or the ISI would suggest that US intelligence was cognizant and/ or implicated in the assassination plot.

Already in 2005, a report by the US National Intelligence Council and the CIA forecast a "Yugoslav- like fate for Pakistan" in a decade with country riven by civil war, bloodshed and international rivalries, as seen recently in Baluchistan. (Energy Compass, 2 March 2005).
According to the NIC-CIA, Pakistan is stated to become a "failed state" by 2015, as it would be affected by civil war, complete Talbanization and struggle for control of its nuclear weapons (Quoted by former Pakistan High Commissioner to UK Mr Wajid Shamsul Hassan, Times of India 13 February 2005)
"Nascent democratic reforms will produce little change in the face of opposition from an entrenched political elite and radical Islamic parties. In a climate of continuing domestic turmoil, the Central government control probably will be reduced to the Punjabi heartland and the economic hub of Karachi, the former diplomat quoted the NIC-CIA report as saying.
Expressing apprehension, Hassan asked "are our military rulers working on a similar agenda or something that has been laid out for them in the various assessment reports over the years by the National intelligence Council in join collaboration with CIA?
Is Talbanization then being sponsored by US/Pak joint efforts in Pakistan?
Now that Rt. General Musharraf is back in Pakistan ;TTP(Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan) threat for a suicide attack on Rt. General seems just a loll pop to me to keep us busy to avoid thinking about TTP being actually threat to Pakistan, making their covert operations masterminded by RAW/MOSAD & CIA, planned in Afghanistan.
One candidate for elections 2013, from a PPPP platform who was a provincial minister in Sindh in recent PPPP government still nods in negative, when asked if there is going to be any elections as scheduled on May 11th 2013. He further adds that Pakistan is heading for a bigger war, more furious than wars it fought in 1971 and 1965. India being our arch rival, I asked if it is going to be with India, he again nodded in negative and said it's something else, as he emptied the last quarter of his Chaves Regal on the rocks, down his throat. However his own ticket to contest new elections was not being confirmed by PPPP, despite his family's affiliation with the party since its establishment. Many loyal PPPP activists have been denied tickets and that has generated wave of anger and chaos as to what is actually happening and this has even compelled them to start saying now, that President Zardari is now out there to eliminate PPPP. There are also rumors published in nearly all daily papers about his son Bilawal Bhutto Zardari the chairman of Pakistan People's Party being extremely angry with party being hijacked by his aunt Fariayal Talpur and that despite he being the chairman of the party is helpless to do anything, hence in anger he has left for Dubai. Others quote his departure to be due to security reasons. Strange enough he was at security risk, where as the one who is most wanted on TTP list Rt General Musharraf soon landed in Pakistan from Dubai, and was given spectacular Security protocol.

On June 27th, 2006, a seminar arranged by Britain's Foreign Policy Center (FPC) on Baluchistan province of Pakistan in collaboration with the so-called Baluchistan Rights movements was held in House of Commons.
The seminar sounded one sided attack on Pakistan with the accusations of colonizing and suppressing people of Baluchistan.
The very same month, Pakistan's Senate Committee on Defense accused British Intelligence of "abetting the insurgency in Baluchistan."

Two months later, on August 9, Ten British MPs were involved in closed door session of the Senate Committee on Defense regarding alleged MI6 support to Bloch separatists.

There are reports of CIA and Mossad supporting Bloch rebels in Iran and Southern Afghanistan.

Fragmentation of Pakistan had been on George W. Bush Administration and now is the same on the agenda list of Obama administration. And the only delay is not because Pakistan is an ally in USA's mean war against terrorism but rather ensuring help from Islamabad and military for face saving in Afghanistan and safe way for US marines.
Now that it is announced 35000 marines will leave Afghanistan this year and 36000 next year, with packing up and huge NATO carriers rolling back on Paki roads heading for Karachi port for a lift off, the home work to escalate violence in southern Sindh has already begun, with the shocking news of strategic Gwader port slipping away from American palms, which already by now is being heavily guided by Chinese Navy with huge carriers and navy speed boats armed with nuclear war heads just in case if USA does any mischief to take control of Gwader port in Baluchistan, after signing of the agreement between the two countries.
Obama administration has seemingly joined hands with the "break up Pakistan" faction in Washington.
Back in 2011, it was suggested by US expert on Baluchistan Mr Selig Harrison, urging Obama Administration that it's about time it should make it happen suggesting the administration the necessary chalked out plan.
Mr Harrison said that Washington should do more to support anti-Islamist forces along the southern Arabian Sea coast. Probably meaning MQM in Karachi, Hyderabad and Mirpurkhas districts and Hindu community along Sindh's coastal belt) anti-Islamic Sindhi leaders of Sufi variant of Islam (fools don’t know true Sufis are not anti-Islamic), however they could find the desired variety among Sindhi Hindu Sufis. They believe they have a network of 124,000 shrines.
Recent bomb explosion in Shikarpur city of Sindh near Baluchistan border at shrine of Syed Hajan Sha, is probably in that connection.
But point to ponder here is, is it the counter tackle effort to sabotage the breeding network by pak agencies or is it the work of US and allied agencies to sow hatred among Sufis against Saudi branded Mullas, to secretly join hands with USA for help, which ultimately will fulfill USA goal of fragmentation of Pakistan.
Tahir ul Qadri's staged mello drama that ended in his disgrace, was actually a Mohajir Coe. The chain of events within that week was surprising. The exchange of firing between Pak-Inidan forces along LOC, Tahir ul Qadri provoking government to make a wrong move to use force against sit in in Islamabad to cause a blood shed and calling it at the same time the replica of Al Tehrir square of Egypt while giving out his speeches from a bomb proof bunker; the seven day sit in by Hazara community in Quetta protesting against government after killing of over 100 innocent Hazaras when a remote control bomb went off on Alamdar road, a sit in outside President Zardari's Bilawal house in karachi, crowd agitating, thickly populated with MQM activists who engaged in beating up two ministers from the ruling party as well, and at the same time Altaf Hussain's dumb call for a possible agitation for separate province for Mohajirs. The events were watched carefully and someone I believe is out there still out there, which does not make it happen or resisting to making it happen their way. Soon, two in serving Generals (most likely Urdu speaking) were transferred. Moments after those posting shuffles happened; everything began to calm down, the sit in at Quetta, Karachi, Islamabad and rest of the country ended.
We have another politician in making Imran Khan, who talks of change in Pakistan, but is yet to come up with a proper manifesto of his party PTI. I believe he could have better served Pakistan by continuing to build more hospitals like the one he made in Lahore and Karachi, and if he continued with building education cities. Recruiting the same dirty lot who have lost their credibility in the parties from where they jumped to give Imran a push are not going to make any difference. And above all Imran is not yet divorced but is only separated from his wife Jamima Khan, the daughter of one of the wealthiest Jew, who regularly keeps a track of Imran khan's political moves and popularity graph.
Until Musharraf was in power, it served all the goals of CIA that is why US administration mentioned him more than Pakistan.
And it became quite popular even in media to call Musharraf, Busharraf rather.
Amazingly Bush was thrown at both shoes by a journalist during his press conference in Iraqi parliament during his regime.
Rt.General Musharraf had to face same fate yesterday as he walked in Sindh High court tightly guarded by security most of who wore trousers, had army style haircut, were tall, had same stature that of soldier, the type of weapons they carried and the strange enough the Rangers guarding him were masked.
But then there are always people around with balls, like the one who managed to throw his shoe at him which nicked the tip of his nose, and out of nervousness Musharraf kept setting his hair with his palm, his routine gesture when he is usually nervous.
And geo TV network made well balanced mickey out of him, showing the two videos one of shoe throwing and the other of a South African fielding during a cricket match, comparing the shoe throwing with John T Rhodes throwing at stumps. Geo TV suggested that the shoe thrower should have managed to find some room to directly hit him like John T Rhodes used to;flinging himself over the stumps if he felt he would fall short to reach them in time. The shoe thrower could have also learnt lessons from past videos when Agha Javed from Shikarpur Sindh made a firm smash with his shoe on then Chief minister Sindh, Mr Arbab Ghulam Rahim's head, to protest against his words that he used post bomb explosion on October 18th 2007 on Benazir's rally from the airport when she arrived from Dubai, that lead 160 workers and supporters of his party dead.
I am still puzzled over the fact as to why Rangers guarding Pervez Musharraf were masked with black cloth, like as if you were walking through some kind of poisonous gas chamber. Why would security personnel guarding the ex-president of Pakistan, an army veteran, the most powerful ruler that ever ruled Pakistan for a decade, had to be masked.
Is there a lot in Khaki panthers who you think is dismayed over his arrival, hence they might pose direct threat on these Rangers who guard him.
Is the threat announced by TTP, a genuine one to go after Musharraf?
Does the real bolt and screw of TTP come from Khaki panthers that could be playing a while to keep CIA engaged in its plans and then give them a surprise? I hope so.
No matter what the facts may be, we all need to be united against the making of Mushdesh, the free economic zone stretching from Mirpurkhas, Hyderabad, and Karachi and all along the coastal belt.
Let's not make it happen the Mushdesh , replica of Bangladesh.
Let's hope we have no more Yahya Khan in our panthers' lot.
After all that happened with Major Nadeem Darr, in city like Islamabad and elsewhere, one can only hope that, only force that could stop panthers hunting bushes squashing the weaker life,  is when they change their mind to do so.
Let's hope and pray that there is someone out there, with a better vision, for our generations to come.

God bless Pakistan.                                                                                                                                 



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