“I have sinned” & “The Enemy is dead”- Someone had misguided Jinnah’s followers

Agha Inamullah Khan

July 2nd, 1997
It was unusual to hear sound of brooms sweeping to clean the dust off the road around 3.00 PM. I was supervising masons for repair on roof top and tilted to look down. My neighbor waved at me and said, “Switch on TV for the news, and kindly get this debris lifted from your door, guests will be pouring in”. I wondered why! What was the occasion? It was soon aired on TV, “Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s old companion; Agha Ghulam Nabi passed on at the age of 86”.

1842 AD

General Charles Napier, a soldier from well to do family was serving in British Army. In 1842 he was commander of the East India Company’s Bombay Presidency army, when he invaded Sindh to defeat Muslim rulers here and he further advanced against the orders, and conquered entire province, and then informed his superiors by sending single-word dispatch; “Peccavi”, meaning in Latin, “I have sinned”. His conquest of Sindh was seen as paraphernalia of imperial legend. Sindh was a wealthy province then for its textile industry and trade relations with Far East and Balkans as it is eyed upon to this day for its enormous mineral wealth, agriculture and rich cultural heritage & hill stations for tourism. 

Napier made this Bungalow in Sukkur his Headquarters while touring upper Sindh. He was convinced that Talpur Rulers were not loyal to British Raj. The 1832 Treaty had opened Indus river for trade but not for military purposes. That famous single word Telegram,"Peccavi" by Charles Napier was sent from this Bunglow, when in 1843, he provoked resistance to crush the Amirs forces in the battle of Miani in 1843 outside Hyderabad (1)


27th April, 2020
Geo Private TV Channel has been labeled Treacherous for the news it airs, and its owner Mir. Shakil-ur. Rehman is behind bars. I came across the news on social media, regarding an app to write in Sindhi language font on I-Phone. Geo has gone viral reporting to avoid using Sindhi font on I-Phone as it damages software.Why do they hate Sindh so much? It feeds whole of Pakistan. Be it water from Sindhu (Indus) river, its oil & gas reserves and other mineral wealth like coal, gypsum, granite, silicon and many other precious elements. Especially Urdu Media, does not miss a single chance and is always ready to cause damage to interests of Sindh, be its geo-political, its people, culture and even language to eliminate it to facilitate their settlement and claim separate province, a replica of same model what  Israel does to Palestinians in Gaza or India in occupied Kashmir.  They have not spared a single chance to grab its land in the need for creation of 5th province. Mohajirs (Refugees) since first Prime Minister of Pakistan Liaqat Ali Khan’s regime, Afghans since cold war and many from different provinces head Sindh to earn their daily bread and we have been very accommodative since day one instinctively as an act of kindness, generosity and hospitality. But none has bothered to merge in its culture or shown any glimpse of love for the house that feeds them. In fact since decades have conspired to expel the hosts and occupy resources as if they are the ones who have woven the very yarn of its millennia old geo-cultural fabric that actually has its link to Babylon in Mesopotamia, in ancient Iraq and Egyptian civilization.  Except few old settlers; clans from progeny of Arabas, Afghans and Georgians, who settled few centuries ago speak Sindhi as their mother tongue.
MQM, the establishment’s synthetically prepared militant organization which demanded 5th province to crush MRD (Movement to Restore Democracy) that was formed against oppression of General Zia-ul Huq, the army dictator who hanged elected Prime Minister of Pakistan; originally from Larkana in Sindh where Sindh traces its roots back to 5000 years BC one of the earliest settlements on earth to live in organized cities. MQM in Sindh has committed crimes no different than what ISIS did in Iraq & Syria
What a shame Refugees still as they call themselves under banner of MQM demanding expulsion of Sindhi students from Karachi University and colleges.
Izhar ul Hassan blaming Sindhi brought and spread Corona Virus pandemic to Karachi and not their churning, stinking mouths with nicotine Paan and spitting so frequently in public places. Most of Urdu speaking community brain washed to feel Sindhi are illiterate. In fact it is these Sindhi who were on front line in making of Pakistan and not the body bags you count and yell of in genocide that resulted due to partition of sub-continent and emergence of Pakistan. The pogrom was actually armed and financed by Royal British House. By the way where were Burmese, Pona wala, Moti wala, Rampuris, this wala that wala, falana bhai and Dhimka bhai when war with British was on?

The new baby home alone, seeking votes of Sindhis but pleasing establishment , PTI minister Mr. Ali Zaidi claims  too many Sindhis are  already working in Sindh, hence jobs have to be given to those from Punjab and KPK. Brilliant!! How many Sindhi have quota in Punjab, KPK and elsewhere.

Urdu speaking intellectuals on other hand demanding Karachi as separate land , time after time since Liaqat Ali Khan, who wanted refugees settlements because he did not have vote bank here, but Jinnah did being a Sindhi and born in rural Sindh.  Do they have any shame! Why are they embarrassed to speak Sindhi?  It has been routine now be it ARY, GEO, CHANNEL 24, 92, BOL, SAMA, Urdu media is always ready to bash Sindh. Just recently GEO identified an issue and went viral on social media advising users to avoid using Sindhi font on your IPhone, claiming that it damages its software. Strange! Most of 52 letters in Sindhi come from Arabic. Wonder why no such complaint from Gulf countries.

27 April 1948

Fateful day for Sindh

On this day the premier of Sindh, Ayoub Khuhro, was dismissed by Jinnah, accusing him of bad governance, misconduct and corruption. He was a bulwark against the nefarious design of Liaqat Ali Khan to settle nine lakhs refugees in Sindh and takeover Karachi. At that time the population of Karachi was three lakhs. Khuro wanted to accept only one lakh refugees. He feared that huge influx of refugees would alter the demography of Sindh permanently as well as would jeopardize the sovereignty and political stability of Sindh.

Before the dismal of Khuhro’s Government, the Sindh Assembly passed a unanimous resolution (including Hindu and Muslim members of the assembly) on 11 Feb, 1948 opposing the takeover of Karachi by the central government.

This day sealed the fate of Sindh because Khuhro bravely fought for the sovereignty of Sindh. And he was replaced by Pir Illahi Bux who handed over the city to the central government and facilitated the settlement of refugees in Sindh, which was against the rights of Sindh.

The above un -distorted facts of -history uncover the truth how aliens conspired against the people of Sindh and weakened their unalienable right over sovereignty of Sindh.

(Reference: What's app post shared by Dr. Farid- Son in law of Shaikh Ayaz)

27th April, 2020

Mother sadly died on January 17, 2019. She loved chatting with me sharing her brought up in what was very politically active scenario before partition and after making of Pakistan. She was already 9 years old in the year Pakistan emerged on world’s map. For years I have pondered what made the man say, “The enemy is dead”, when he worked so closely with him on so many fronts for the cause of separate homeland for Muslims. Who sacrificed his academic career in Aligarh and came back to his native village to organize and activate Muslim League in Sindh. My mother quoted,” he came in and shocked everyone. Not with the news that Jinnah is dead, because we had already heard on radio and were sad and waiting for him to share his grief as him being his faithful follower but he shocked us all when he said, “ The enemy is dead”. My mother said," we could not digest this is coming from a man who worked for Jinnah to organize Muslim League in Sindh. The man who agreed to say yes to his family to  be married only on one condition that it will be a small occasion and the money spared should be given to him so he could call upon a labor convention in his native village Sultankot to full fill promise he made  to  Jinnah. And he stood by it.  Ibrahim Munshi quotes in his book “Akhund Hindustan", that it was first time a freedom song of an independent homeland for Muslims was sung in that convention in 1936 in Sultankot. The  very same man Agha Ghulam Nabi who, after making out a call for Jihad endorsed through Mufti Sahibdad Jamali from his village to march to fight, and help liberate the Babari Masjid of Sindh in 1938, shocked his family stating, “The Enemy is dead. For years I pondered why? There must have been a misunderstanding. Who could have pumped that sort of venom in him? He was close to Prime Minister Liaqat Ali Khan as well, and Begum Rana the first lady often visited their home, mom told in in rented residence behind Jinnah’s shrine. I have pondered over it for years. I got my answer when I came across a what’s app post shared by son in law of renowned revolutionary poet of Sindh, Shaikh Ayaz, popular for his sonic “ Sindhri ty Ser kair na Dindo, sahando kari mayar o yar”. Agha Ghulam Nabi had soon realized that he was misguided, most probably by anti- Pakistan elements within the Muslim League. Hence he continued his support to Jinnah’s sister, Ms. Fatima Jinnah and was sent to Jail by Gen. Ayoub Khan's EBDO (Elected Bodies Disqualification Order of 1959). No politician was to address a meeting, issue a statement or hold a press conference of political nature. We now know the real enemy but our case rests in the court of Almighty, and we are waiting for Imam to declare land of Sufi's to be Medina-al- Sani, but we surely will miss revolutionist like Agha Ghulam Nabi

1. Jars of Clay, Pauline Brown (2006) pages 15,16


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