CORONA CURFEW- DAY 14 & My 55th Birthday


Just few flashes from old times

Dr. Agha Inamullah Khan

As the clock struck 1200 in the early hours of the day, wife and kids barged in singing Birthday song, with three milk chocolate cake from Delizia, my favorite. I was in living room, preparing presentations to be given at Training/Workshop in 08 assigned districts in Sindh, on Covid-19- the Corona blessing in disguise.

How often have you heard this phrase? “The world will not be the same again”
Last time I heard it was post 9/11. September 11, 2001, when Boeings were smashed with Twin Towers in New York using same technology incorporated; which you now operate drones with. Or maybe I am being polite to hide the real details. Never mind.

It doesn’t matter whenever you label me a conspiracy theorist. I know you are scared to join my beliefs because if you do then you do not qualify to avail visa for United States of America or if you have one; you will be closely watched. You probably will never be awarded a project from Bill & Melinda Gates if you wrote a proposal for one, being a public health specialist, if you thought on same lines as I do. Does the world end there!! No. We must only contribute to humanity and godly practices. So labelling me one, however awards you clearance that you are not “One of them” (us) .Yes now it is about them and us. The world has changed. It is either “us” or “them”.

My sister was paranoid the other day. She revealed her dream; seeing King David (Hazrat Daud A.S) doing tawaf- circumambulation of Kaaba. And another man in red & white Arabian outfit, which she could not recognize but believes was the one they keep saying is coming soon. However both Kaaba @ Masjid Haram & Roza e Athar @ Masjid Nabvi in Medina, are under lockdown due to Covid-19 pandemic. No prayers in mosques allowed here as well in Pakistan. But big Grocery stores chains are open, yes go ahead.

55 years ago today at around 4.30 pm, I was delivered after not very long labor as they told me; a home based delivery by Auntie as they all called her or Miss Mama in Sultankot- my native village. Pauline writes on page 250 in her book “Jars of Clay”, that “Auntie”, had delivered thousands of babies in Sultankot and in surrounding villages as well. Basil and, his brother Leonard lived with their aunt and helped her with the business side of her clinic. I was born to a mother who never took any iron supplements, calcium or hormone tablets during her pregnancy, and had a busy schedule as house wife from kitchen to engagement in other house chores including watching over six children besides me. Mum never had any vaccine shots. She cooked in utensils made from iron and brass and clay on wood fire, and unlike fluoridated bottle water from Nestle or Aquafina, we drank fresh ground water, pulled over a wooden pulley from well at about 4 furlongs from village as the water in our area was brackish. The potter charged little amount on monthly bases for bringing it, who carried it after filling it in his metal vessel. The metal vessel used to be a cylindrical drum to store tar to be used in carpeting roads. The vessel was carried on donkey cart, to be filled in clay vessels in each home. We never boiled water. However we had one huge size Russian Belarus Company Fridge, the only one in whole Sultankot, and granny stored bowls and bowls of ice for house use in scorching heat of June.  Meat or other eatables never stored, it was more of a disgrace to re heat a leftover food to be eaten or cooking frozen meat. So the fridge was to cool water only and make ice cubes. There was no TV, no land line phone facility at homes. No video games, or internet and the world was different yes.
As I grew up, and before taking admission in Primary School back in 1969, my parents sent me to Leonard, at Maternity Home run by Missionary people; popularly known Leo Master, to take my kindergarten lessons. Me and my sister, and some of my cousins still recall his shouts and punishments for not learning well our lessons. However I was lucky to have not been punched on deltoids to be massaged with balm or pinched to twist the skin like spanner winds the screw only to scream “Aba ray” ( a popular phrase in regional Sindhi language “ oh father”). I loved the way he grind his jaws making strange noise, whenever he thought deeply. Eventually I developed same habit few years ago.
Mom was often overburdened with house chores, so she used to send me to Ali Bux our male servant outside home, who was more like a housemaid. We enjoyed strolls in evenings with one child in pram and me walking beside. Watching evening schedule trains go by and waving at the train drivers was our entertainment, and around April when gram seed crop was ready, we plucked wholes of it along stalks and lay them on dry bushes to be lighted with fire and as they fell to groud roasted, every one sat in circles around the ash to search for roasted peas. My other craze was kite flying.  Spending hours with Ali Bux at our Otaq was a privilege and I learnt quite a few skills. I can stitch, embroil, knit, and crochet, which I learnt silently observing him; vicarious learning may be. Weaving was his family profession. His father was the only weaver in Sultankot, and I can flashback to remember the beautiful rugs that he weaved and cloaks. I always enjoyed walking on muddy pavements traversing narrow streets in the village, which now reflect to me replica of ancient city of Moen Jo Daro. Ada Ali Bux was located in the last of houses row fenced at the edge of big pond cupping seepage from water logging. He had two daughters; Sultana the eldest and Kareema, and sons Qasim and Rubnawaz- pet name Rabun. Rabun had mud made pigeon house and smoked weed, and was often scolded by his father. I often climbed down from narrow outlet in the roof of pigeon house and enjoyed watching different color beautiful pigeons, black, gray, white, mix colored feathers with colorful beaks living in pairs shelved in wall like bank lockers. This was nature’s beautiful treasure, to watch some of them with eggs around them. Nothing but reflection of nature’s delight. Qasim drove lorry with his uncle Alam. Often found Kareema doing most of the house work, from sweeping the floor to refreshing the mud on stoves in the kitchen and piling the wood near stoves which were to be lighted for the next cooking. Ali Bux’s father was mostly found seated around his Loom with his legs ducked down in ditch where he paddled and using wooden boat needles flinging from one end to the other adding up the weaves on yarn or listening to Akashwani on single band Philips transistor while sorting yarn on spinning wheel. Sultana was more skillful, she embroidered, stitched Rali (quilts) with beautiful patterns from left over pieces of old multicolored clothes and her job was to grind grain to make flour from wheat, Soghum, and millet seeds feeding the mouth of heavy  rock grain crusher which she mostly enjoyed spinning in anti-clock wise rotation. May be the anti-clock wise rotation creates a vacuum to prevent the grain from spilling over and gets sucked in to be crushed between the two rotating rock wheels, like centripetal whorls in murky river water or  circumambulation at Kaaba. Rotating roars from friction of rocks was itself meditating and out of tire she often switched hands grabbing the wooden handle fixed at one end of the wheel, and her whole body moved forward and backwards with each complete cycle of one rotation a natural nod, like Taliban reciting holy Koran at a Madrasah. So unfortunate how the word Taliban has been coined by the tyranny as an evil. Ali’s wife was named Pathani. I wonder if he nicked her name due to her bad tamper or was it her birth name. Because back then, Pathans in my native village were famous for their traditional lunacy, rude and angry behaviors in the district. And since we were related to invaders from Afghanistan, hence no one in Sindh liked us any way, and most of us carried false pride and dictator’s posture to rule and dictate the weak like other local chiefs in Sindh.
I was born in April during the war year; the 1965 war between Indo-Pakistan; first major engagement between the two countries since the inception of Pakistan.  Mother often quoted that she had heard stories from women in the village that a fist holding sword was visible on sky each night an hour before Dawn, until one day she saw it herself when she walked 50 yards to go to washroom. Back then having attached bath-toilet was considered unhygienic. She told me; a shiver went down shaking her soul when she saw that fist holding the sword, so bright and shining. And that Hindus forces who witnessed this sword considered it as bad omen, and were scared to fight any further. Mom sadly passed on January 17th, 2019. Thanks to internet and the positive usage of it could resolve so many misconceptions. I googled on various “Comets” so far, and finally found about the comet travelling close to our solar system that year in 1965 and that it was so bright in sub-continent. The Comet IKeya-Seki was visible and termed long period comet which was first observed as a faint telescopic object on September 18th, 1965. It was so bright that it was clearly visible even during day light next to the sun. The war that began in April, ended on September 23rd, with victory on our side as claimed from western media as well.

The advancement of internet and Artificial intelligence will soon bring other fairy tales to be true, when scientists will use hologram tech and launch Jesus to appear on horizon using sky as screen, just what they did in operation Desert storm in Iraq, using mind control with help of H.A.A.R.P.

Yes the world changed for me, when I moved out of Sultankot. Yes the world has changed a lot more as quoted or controlled by agents of Lucifer. From lockdowns in Palestine to lockdown in Kashmir. Atrocities committed by forces of Zion to establish throne of King David blaming Allah’s messenger to accomplish their sinister plans. From Wuhan to Karachi, the Corona cult has subjugated everyone. Yes the world has changed. More time to spend meditating and praying, being with family, enjoying lentils soup with rice, roasted chicken, and no rotten processed KFC, Mac Donald or Choco Donuts & Burger Kings. Corona in fact is blessing in disguise for those who ponder and seek refuge in Almighty.

This world is controlled by a cult that has no border. We are now the hunger game society as portrayed in its Hollywood block buster “Hunger Games” They have been programing us through such mediums to minimize any revolt conditioning us slowly to accept the change they bring in at the cost of our liberties from what we should eat as they decide, to what we wear, to what we drink and how we sex, and to what we believe. We are all being conditioned to soon be wired through artificial intelligence towers that are being erected and will be operated from single grid that will control our minds with a slogan, “One World”, think as one. For now I have to stand in queue to buy my grocery, and only allowed to go in when the policeman thinks its ok to go in. The policeman taking salary from the slave of the slaves of the slaves of slaves to dominate me, so that we do not challenge the authority rising up as rebels from huger game society. Not yet. Gentlemen we are all slaves to Technocracy, tying smart tech shackles ourselves on our minds and allowing to be governed by them, because we ourselves have blocked highway to Almighty.  Pretty soon our brains will be connected to artificial intelligence, downloaded, processed, commanded to action. The critical thinking will be hijacked by AI monitors, programing our perceptions as they desire operated from “Smart Global Grid”.
They have been covertly creating problems to push us to lose ability to foresee the larger picture, creating random events, with support of paid media advocating the version they want us to believe, creating the fear, lockdowns and related problems, crushing currencies, spreading contagions and so on. The fear slogans regularized as some kind of law to be obeyed:
Endangered species act
Water Scarcity
Ozone destruction
Climate Change
Locust Plagues
Corona Pandemics
Disguised as Poverty alleviation Programs
Universal Health Care
Agenda 2030
Millennium Development goals
Sustainable Development Goals
“One James Spencer tweeted, if UK is under lockdown, then why do I see from my bedroom window, installation of 5G towers in process. Am I being paranoid?”

And while everyone is going through Corona torment, and distracted with this pandemic and put under house arrest interchanging it with fancy term of lockdown instead, they have successfully passed 5G law (S.893 SECURE 5G AND BEYOND ACT 2020).

President of United States of America, Mr. Donald Trump signed law 116-129 on 23rd March 2020 that will speed up the installation of 5G and cover up the profits. 5 G uses same frequency.
Symptoms of 5G radiation which is 10,000 times the radiation of 4G, include; fever, foggy thinking, eyes pain, nightmares, nausea, and vomiting, diarrhea, headache, dizziness, disorientation, weakness, fatigue, and hair loss.
Every time they upgraded electromagnetic field, events happened
The introduction of telecommunication radio waves caused Spanish flu in 1918
Radar technology deployed, 1940- Influenza epidemic
IG launched, we had influenza B viruses in 1979.
2G Launch, Cholera in 1991
4G launched, H1N1 in 2009
5G launch, COVID-19, 2019
On following dates and spots, first testing of 5G was rolled out
Wuhan, China- Nov 2019
San Marino- Dec 2019
Northern Italy (Lombardy) Dec 2019
Spain- Dec 2019
Germany – Dec 2019
Iran- Dec 2019
South Korea- High band Dec 2019
Lima – Dec 2019
Now don’t tell me it’s just a coincidence and that I am carrying agenda of Conspiracy theorists.
The house arrest continues. Today  is my 55th birthday and 14th day of Corona Curfew
God bless our Globe


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