Dr. Agha Inamullah Khan
Research articles reviewed & analysis compiled in 2012 linking the dots to predict what was to come.
Posted on in 2014 but removed by web authorities in 2018, as per new policy guidelines.
It is not just bombing with
your cannons, RPGs or Laser guided Tom Hawks. The art of killing and "Killing Fields", these days
are beyond your imagination.
I remember reading about top 10 listed
inventions of the future in Discovery edition of Times Magazine published in 1998. One of
which was microscopic Robots capable of reproducing themselves. Pretty soon they will have
Army of Robots (microorganisms). Yes I am afraid.
"Hey what did you have to say to that guy in IOM"?
Who; Peter!
"Yea Peter Roberts"
Nothing really, what happen!!
"Met him at a party yesterday evening, he interrupted when I told him, We are working in Shikarpur on Wash. He straightaway asked, Do you know the bearded guy from OCHA in Shikapur; Khan! Um you mean Agha Inam!!! I inquired, because your name hit my mind. He said Yes thats him and can you handle him; he is too hard to handle. Why did he say that. So I did not carry conversation any further because I thought I would ask you first, may be something had happened. Agha please be careful"
Do not worry I satisfied her, I already know he is MI6
"Hey do not even say that on phone"
I had a big laugh
The Pioneer of Corporate PR and Propaganda Mr. Edward Bernays
said,' those who manipulate the unseen mechanism of society; constitute an
invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.
We are
governed, our minds molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested largely by
men we have never heard of. I say we are not virgin humans anymore both mentally and emotionaly. We have been infested to serve agendas of tyranny. In almost every act of our lives, either in the
sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking,
we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons who understand the
mental processes and social patterns of masses. It is they who pull the wires
to control public mind through variety of mediums.
Edward Barney |
By 2020, our sleep, logical and critical thinking will be almost paralyzed, our tastes corrupted, and minds subjugated. The pious Pineal gland, will by then be calcified with Aquafina and spirituality distorted with demonic doses from Dajal. I call it pious because the Melatonin secretion with its precursor Dimethyl Tryptamine brings in the heavenly guidance. But its secretion is disrupted and we have corrupted our biological clocks and connections to the higher conscious subjugated by various means.
Bernays in his book
Propaganda published in 1928 wrote, how he would suggest to physicians to
publicly say that "it is wholesome to eat bacon." He knew large
number of people would follow the advice of their doctors because he (as the PR
man) understands the psychological dependence people have with their
physicians. He just substituted the word dentists for doctors and fluoride for
bacon and there was rationale for Bernays fluoride propaganda campaign and we had fluoride to be ingested submucosal when we brush our teeth to shine and kill the bacteria.
I remember a famous TV
commercial popular here in Pakistan especially among children," Did you McLean's your teeth today, twice a day
Mac Lean's is a popular
product out of dozens of brands of toothpastes used to clean your teeth in
Pakistan, and elsewhere in the world, that has an extra fluoride to keep your teeth
healthy clean and shining.
In the early 1950's
Edward Bernays continued the propaganda campaign for adding fluorides to water
supplies and other social engineering experiments in manipulating human
consent. During this time the American Dental Association ADA and the American
Medical Association AMA endorsed sodium fluoride's addition to water. Today,
the fluoride used in 90% of American municipal water systems is actually of
lesser quality than that used during Hitler era. It is a Heafluoro-silicic acid
which is a silicon fluoride and most of the fluoride sold to American water
facilities is supplied from
The Chinese have now
done over 80 experiments that prove fluoride interferes with animal brain
functions. 23 studies found an association between lowered IQ in children, and
three of their studies found fluoride to damage fetal brain
In late 1990's they
published this research in English. China does not fluoridate their public drinking
water, but they do produce and sell 50% of all fluoride which is consumed
around the
Gerald Cox an industry
researcher who was financed by the Alcoa Company and the Mellon institute first
recommended fluoridation of water in America. Point to remember is that
fluoride is a toxic waste product of the aluminum and fertilizer industry and
ALOCA had tons of it which needed disposing of. It was toxic waste until ALOCA
could sell it, and then it legally became a product.
In 1945, shortly after
two small scale experiments, one in Grand Rapids Michigan and one in New burgh
New York, fluoride was introduced to most public water supplies of the United
States without ever a single clinical or animal experiment to prove its safety.
Fluoride enters our
bloodstream through the gums and stomach lining. Only 50% of it is excreted by
the kidneys. The other 50% we retain in our body where it has a half-life of
over 20 years, only then will it begin to be excreted from our
In 1970 the
Rockefeller's vaccination program in South America sterilized women and induced
natural abortions until being found and made very public by astute medical
personnel in those countries. Just a year or two ago Gates Foundation was
handed the baton in a public gesture from the Rockefeller's to more modernize
global vaccination programs and put a computer age contemporary face on the
depopulation effort. Bill Gates has since publicly made some very disturbing
comments concerning his visions of fewer people burdening the global
I am yet to understand
Islamic militant's war against Polio vaccination programs in Pakistan. Is it
because they are retaliating after when the campaigners secretly helped US
marines to launch their covert operation which killed Usama Bin Laden, or is
there something else to it, because we all know that killing Usama Bin Laden in
preset stage mellow drama in Abbottabad was all fake to earn few million votes
for Obama administration. Usama was dead years ago, all that happened that day
was handing over the frozen body of Usama bin Laden kept in cold storage near
Tarbella for some years, and U.S and Pakistan were both fooling each other; keeping bilateral
relations intact; in their war against terrorism. U.S was fooling the world and
still is, capturing their resources in the name of Alqaida; creating
nonexistent villains to legitimize its actions and Pakistan making few billion
dollars in the name of so called war started by United States. But the whole
thing got leaked out after Rymond Davis drop scene.
In 1971, Dr. Dean
Burke, a Ph.D. began a study of the effects of fluoride in drinking water in
the United States and in 1981 he made a powerful public statement. He
said," we estimate that since fluoridation was introduced into the U.S.
there have been almost as many deaths associated with fluoridation as the sum
total of all American military deaths since 1776 and that one-tenth of the
350,000 cancer deaths per year in the U.S. are linked with artificial public
At the end of Second
World War, the United States Government sent Charles Eliot Perkins, a research
worker in chemistry, biochemistry, physiology and pathology, to take charge of
the many I G Farben chemical plants in Germany. In his book ' The Truth about
Water Fluoridation', Mr. Perkins wrote in a letter to the Lee Foundation of
Nutritional Research.
He wrote, the German
chemists worked out a very ingenious and far-reaching of mass control that was
submitted to and adopted by the German General staff. This plan was to control
the population of any given area through mass medication of drinking water
In this scheme of mass
control 'sodium fluoride' occupied a prominent place. However, and I want to
make this very definite, the real reason behind water fluoridation is not to
benefit children's teeth….
The real purpose
behind water fluoridation is to reduce the resistance of the masses to
domination and control and loss of liberty. Repeated doses of infinitesimal
amounts of fluorine will in time gradually reduce the individual's power to
resist domination by slowly poisoning and narcotizing Pineal gland; this area of the brain
and make him submissive to the will of those who wish to govern him. Thee entire scheme was revealed by a German chemist who was an official of the great
Farben chemical industries and was prominent in the Nazi movement at the time.
It is narrated with all the earnestness and sincerity of a scientist who has spent
nearly 20 years researching in chemistry, biochemistry, physiology and
pathogenesis of fluorine.
A member of the
illuminati says, “ Sick people can’t fight, and its true, your m9ind is part of
your body so if your body is sick and distressed your mind will naturally be
weakened, and especially when your mind is being directly targeted as well by
various means like fluoridation of your public water, fluoride in your
toothpastes both directly affecting pineal gland in your brain, through
television, movies, cell phone wave frequency, microwaves, bottle water, canned
food, soaps, Pepsi, cosmetics, your toys, almost everything in your daily life
has been chosen with a purpose and through a programmed propaganda via
television, print media and social networking on computers or your cell phones,
making a particular product popular to tempt you to it.
Sir Winston Churchill was a
spokesman for the elite of his time and a Freemason. He said, “An unhealthy and
uneducated nation is much easier to rule than a healthy and educated one” But
that is a fact is it not! Just go through the budget books of all provinces of
Pakistan, throughout its history since its inception , you will be shocked to
learn the statistics of allotted low funds in these two sectors especially
Health & Education.
Agenda 21 is the blue
print for depopulation and total control, under the banner of saving the
environment. The 3 Primary tools that are used are:
Man-made Global Warming
Water Shortages
Endangered Species Act
Sure we all want clean
environment, good health and healthy food, but phony environment is designed to
create fear among us to implement the policies of tyranny.
The Globalists use
governments and other major groups (Non-governmental organizations) to force
their policies.
That is one reason why
they never intent to confront governments where they are intervening however
they do not wait a second to terminate their employees if any government system
has any concerns, or if raises on the credibility of government system he/she
works with, because the agenda is more important than the employee, the motive
masked in humanitarian flag is more important.
Their contracts with
UN agencies, local reputable CBOs or International NGOs are not further
extended and usually replaced by someone new with no knowledge of the system.
If you are fully aware of Agenda 21 then you must realize that
it's already happening in your neighborhood. (Corona virus in China)
Dengue, Measles, Polio, Drug resistant Typhoid at home. Na it’s
just a coincidence, or maybe I am being paranoid.
Chapter 27 of Agenda 21
recognizes vital role of NGOs, and other “major groups” in sustainable
development. This leads to some intense arrangements for a consultative
relationship between the NGOs and UN.
Rapid development of
NGOs sector occurred in western countries as a result of the process of re
building of the welfare state. Same is happening in Pakistan. USAID refers to
NGOs as private voluntary organizations. Many argue that this definition is
highly problematic as many NGOs are in fact state and corporate funded and
managed projects with professional staff. The development of NGO sector post-Earthquake
in Kashmir in 2005 and exactly 05 years later, during Flash Floods 2010,
enhanced rapidly in Pakistan, and that occurred in western countries as well as
a result of process of rebuilding. Agenda 21 is about depopulation of World by
80-90%. How do you achieve that goal is multi-targeted and context specific to
different regions. Interestingly we are watching it happening already, through
self-induced disasters with work of science H.A.A.R.P, the innovation of scientist Nicola Tesla to meet the future energy requirements of globe,
who was murdered a century, his technology stolen to be only used now
for more sinister plans of Globalists. Self-induced poverty, self-induced
diseases like AIDS, Cancer, Ebola, self-created conflicts; bombing people in
the name of combating bad guys and helping good guys. I am sure we are all
aware of phrase, “Good Taliban and Bad Taliban”. How many of doctors remember
the phrase “Good Cholesterol and Bad Cholesterol”. It’s about time for you to
ponder, because the terms are coined by the same elites. You do not have to
agree with my fears but doctors, and especially the Public Health Specialists,
go back to your books and recall, and do remember the slogan, Population
control and sustainability.
“DEPOPULATION” is the Agenda.
Just to remind you, steroid
hormones are grouped as corticosteroids and sex steroids including Vitamin D
derivatives. Now you know steroid hormones help our bodies control metabolism,
immunity, inflammation salt and water balance and also help develop sexual
characteristics. They also help you to withstand injury and illness. Every
third Pakistani has Vitamin D deficiency. Deep seeded corruption has made us
incompetent, inefficient. Where it has spoilt our national image and created
problems, it somehow has protected us as well I would say, because globalist’s
agendas are not yet successful here due to deep seeded corruption. Vitamin D
helps intestinal absorption of calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphate and zinc,
and very few foods contain Vitamin D. So is it scarce food? Or is it something
else? The natural Steroids in our body (to flag here Testosterone or Estrogen)
are synthesized from Cholesterol. So keep your cholesterol low and you know
where you are heading. They are concerned about us, initiating variety of
poverty alleviation programs and Nutrition support projects. They care for us.
Right! They love us really. The real essence behind poverty elevation programs
and nutrition support initiatives under Humanitarian flags is never helping you
stand back on your feet. It’s rather mapping your dire needs, to further push
you down to succumb to your own load of needs. It’s about humiliating you,
turning you in to habitual beggar rather than initiating any sustainable change
for you to stand on your feet because then it does not serve their goals.
Funny isn't it! Create troubles yourself and then give them your published book of solutions. Spread the disease, and then sell them the antidotes to make few million bucks or blackmailing in exchange of their demands. Bombing us with Daisy cutters, MOABs (mother of all Bombs), Tom Hawk Cruise Missiles, and then moving in under humanitarian flags to mop their mess calling it collateral damage. Alienating us in our own lands, and then selling us their tents & temporary shelters. Depriving us of our crops with their weather weapons, and then initiating World Food Programs. Sucking the marrow of life out of humanity, occupying global resources under humanitarian flags, sponsoring terror brainwashing individuals with psychedelic drugs, forcing them to fight using your hi-tech weaponry to serve your regime change agendas; and propagating them on media as terrorists, fooling the world with your documented peace proposals. I just ponder, believing the fact that more than 60,000 of our
troops have already been martyred combating terrorists, and double that figure
of civilians as well when they bomb us in cinemas, parks, hospitals,
schools, mosques, Imam Bargahs, temples, Churches, Police Headquarters, Army
Headquarters, but not in KFC, MacDonald’s, Duncan Donuts and Pizza Huts. They
propagate that religion is evil, and encourage gay marriages. We know that they have been spraying Estrogen on the inner lining of
steal food cans, playing with our body chemistry to increase number of
homosexuals, and spreading breast cancer in women. The Agenda 21 is in fully initiated. Watch out folks
5 years later-2017
I sounded like a lunatic saying all of that five years ago. I bet some of you might have developed the taste for what I penned down. It is happening at much greater pace these days, and who knows what is ahead in decade from now. And now I am familiar to Universal Health Coverage. Health for all. Another agenda in action. Agenda 2030. lol
How monetary funding has
enslaved the world and divided it with discrimination, and treats it with
disgust, calling rest of us the Third World, as if we were some kind of roaches
to be fumigated which they proudly do with cluster bombs, labeling most of us
terrorists. During my train journey from Karachi to Hyderabad, you come across a short hilly range after crossing Jhempir, which has one specific hill that stands like Giza pyramid, and often reminds me the stages of freemasonry, and its
associated horrifying, humiliating rituals to be member of its fraternity. How
humans have been humiliated, disgusted, pumped with all the devilish desires.
How the interlocking chain of commands are depicted, with the symbol of
pyramid, as an icon that represents Dajal who forces you to obey for piece of
bread. And how through its brokers, and war mongers invades you, to bring in regime
change of devil’s order, and the NWO protocols, kidnapping your children,
killing them to harvest their organs, raping your women through its
Zombified human hybrid demons, tagged
with Islam to malign it. How it illustrates itself with an Eye at the apex of
pyramid having power of invisible Global government, representing IMF
(International Monetary Fund). Although enjoying the site scene from the
window, I was struggling against thrust of hot air but my discomfort mainly
bred from that pyramidal hill. I began to hallucinate as if Dajal is following
me everywhere, considering me to be a potential threat to his plans here. The
hilly Pyramid represented 12 layers sandwiched between the eye at the top and
at the base, spread out footholds of secret societies. I could feel he is
watching me from the apex of that hill, and commanding his secret societies’
members to follow me immediately. He does not want to eliminate me yet. But
wants to give it a try to infest my brain, use some of my abilities for his
devilish goals. At least it wishes to give it a try until it could decide to
get rid of me. Right under the Eye of Dajal (IMF), is layer of Builder-burgers,
sitting on business Advisory Council which commands council of foreign relations.
The council of foreign relations controls United Nations Banking Complex, which
in turn controls Federal Reserve’s System and other Central banks. The FRS runs
UN. Under UN sits common Market and Atlantic Union. The union controls Seato,
NATO & other front alliances. And they in turn run Tax-Free foundations
(Clinton Foundation, Ford Foundation, Gates foundation and so on). These foundations channel Income and Estate
Taxes. The 12th layer, just above the base of secret societies, comprises
Communism, Socialism and allied “isms” (the most visible aspect of the
apparatus) all of these based on footholds of secret societies.
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