By Dr Agha Inamullah khan
23rd Nov 2014

Post World War, as the sun began to go down on British Empire, it went on shrinking, awarding finally the freedom to many of indigenous nations, and territories that it had occupied, consequently a country was born in the name of religion halving India in to India and Pakistan.
Two names emerged on the international Arena of Political wisdom; Mahatama Gandhi of South Africa in India, and Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah of Pakistan.
Following their footsteps, two new faces emerged; Ms.Indira from Gandhi family, and Mr.Bhutto in Pakistan. But soon both, Bhuttos, and Gandhis were eliminated one by one. Both countries are now being ruled by a tea vendor, and Blacksmith brothers respectively.

Many in both countries still believe, the hatred was cleverly manipulated through Lawrence’s of that time working on the doctrine of British Empire, for the ultimate long term goals to be achieved latter.
The massacre during the mass migration between the two territories was cleverly orchestrated funded, and managed by the Royal British Palace. Now both have aquired nuclear deterent capacities and missile hi-techs. Both are bitter enemies, who have already fought 3 wars and are preparing to hunt each other again.

India is considered to be the popular democratic entity in the region, and for Pakistan it is popularly believed that it is run by 3 A’s, Allah, Army and America. However one of the A’s is soon to be replaced.
Pakistan through multitude of its problems was always made sure to be engaged in crises, and never allowed to prosper freely, or have true democracy, and freedom of choice. It went into 03 Martial Law regimes each lasting a decade. The nation has been exercised upon with same feudalistic whip of Kings, and Queens, all along its history through armed forces, bureocracy, Feudalism, and tribal chiefs, who by now have developed close ties with the hidden global powers running the show.
Rumors and narratives docuemented by popular policy analysts now seem easy fetched fact that territories are to be further Balkanized in the name of freedom for indigenous nations living within. Exploited for religious disharmony, racism, and corruption which has shaken the very pillars of both countries already. And the whole exercise was done pretty well and quite near bearing its fruits for them.
West has well intact engineered mode of monitoring and evaluation of the situation, and are best known for cashing in the moods of public in these territories they control through their puppets, and master minds behind the genesis of new parties with new manifesto to replace the fading entities, and it has gone on and on. It is seasoned sometimes under the slogans like “Roti Kapra Aur Makan”, “Sub Sy Pehlay Pakistan or the latest deceptive slogan “Naya Pakistan” etc.
In between execution of these thought out scripts; there has been individual revolts, but they have seen their bitter ends as well, and helplessly accepted heroic deaths, setting out examples and leaving hope behind.
Pakistani Zulifqar Ali Bhutto saw his bitter fate after being warned for working on to arm the country with nuclear Arsenals. Forces, which brought Bhutto to power as Civil Martial Law Administrator, eliminated him by an Armed Martial Law Administrator through secret operation; code named "Operation Wheel Jam", for revolting against the agenda of the masters. There has always been a Moses in disguise in the kingdoms of Pharaoh, and Allah is the best planner of all. Sixty seven years of slavery, corruption, lawlessness, political instability, looting, poverty, religious extremism, extrajudicial killings, extortion, injustice, racism, nepotism, the Pakistani nation is desperately seeking a Messiah, a true leader who could be voice for their needs and cries for justice. Imran Khan apparently has begun to show them that ray of hopeful tomorrow, but they are not sure yet if their tomorrow has a sustainable future. They have no choice but to accept him for his face value, and on record has seen his determination in sports , or while constructing a cancer hospital and an Education city. Hence for what he vows, the nation is ready to take that risk in this vacuum devoid of true leadership.
For nearly two decades now, Pakistan has been victim of terrorism imposed upon it through self-created monsters like Al Qaida, Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan, BLA, MQM, and ANP or individual small groups, funded and armed by west for its vested interests in the region to balkanize it, and to loot the most hidden mineral treasures untapped yet. Today’s Pakistani politicians & media are ignoring the threat from India at their own peril who is instructed by devil for the final strike on nation in pain. All Intel suggest India increasing buildup on border. Hence it is our national duty to act as responsible patriots; change our imature stance, and to stop looking at things with negativity. External & internal forces of change are too powerful now to be stopped. If the internal forces do not bring a change, externals surely will change our very map as they have been openly saying,” that by 2015 Pakistan will see its fate same to that of Yugoslavia, with political rivalry, and civil wars”. No doubt Pakistan may not remain the same in the coming days as Iraq, and Syria are not the same now, for better or worse, but together we can face this fury. Keep aside your differences. All the traitors within the country are coming out hissing against the army. Every act of terrorism in Pakistan is foreign sponsored, using local angry youth deprived of basic amenties, personal or financial securities, and the mercenaries are taking advantage of the situation financed and armed by CIA, Mosad & RAW launching multi masked enemies as TTP, BLA, ANP and MQM ! Remember if Pakistan can destroy Soviet Union with the help of US, it can surely defeat US with the help of China & Russia! Strategic sands do shift and they must for the larger interests of the nation’s survival. For those who are justifying retarded announcement made by Munawwar hasan, and TTP Khawarij supporting his desire to wage war against Pakistan, then those are the real enemies of Pakistan. This is the only country born on the map of globe in the name of religion and Allah knows it well, and He is the best planner of all.
Of all odds and cons on one side, the sword of Muhammad the messenger of Allah Zarb e Azb, has finally struck and we have begun to dare to look in the eyes of Devil and say enough is enough, behave or be prepared to behold what is to come. No more dictations from West, and No more Do Mores!!!
It was during the first quarter of World War 1, when geo-political map of the Middle East was drawn, and the control of vast majority of energy resources of this region was availed through puppets deputed which thereupon facilitated the formation of state of Zion for them. Turkey was reduced to its current piece; from the ottoman Empire  which once ruled Europe for 700 years, and despite their lives being no different than Europeans and even being part of its geographical stature having a limb in Europe, but to this day Turkey has been denied EU membership. Arab world was effectively balkanized, and puppets deputed to rule for nearly half a century and then gotten rid of, anticipating the public mood there. Two men whose role was of significance, were T.E- Lawrence, and Jack Philby. We all know the true face of Lawrence of Arabia the other guy was key manipulator in the oil game in Arab World. He even embraced Islam to show his loyalty to Muslim world. The influence of Lawrence of Arabia was phenomenal but it was later learnt that he was a British agent working for their interests in Middle East.

Many fingers have risen against Imran khan for taking on the reign of Pakistan, for  marrying a Jewish lady and bearing two sons from her,for stating to have close agenda to that as Jamat Islami which the other day announced to wage war in Pakistan inviting Jihadists calling it holy war, and the current funding of Imran Khan’s processions, and sit inns to be largely coming from Qadiyani lobby which were labelled Kafirs by ZA Bhutto in 1973 constitution. Consequently what JI has announced, Imran will have to only prove his patriotism by signing a death warrant, as he is now left with no choice. If he is just another Lawrence working, then it is all over for him, but considering his popularity graph in the current political scenario if he agrees to be working sincerely for interests of Pakistan, and people of Pakistan, then he still signs a death warrant for himself for being on their hit list. Choice is yours Khan, die a heroic death or be forgotten as body bag at Edhi.
Until our Moses strikes the ocean of ongoing torture, humiliation, and mass murders to pave a path for our utmost survival, patriot Pakistanis are still pondering over; as to who is Lawrence of Asia!!


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