Absolutely freezing, a January lonely night
Suddenly woke up from an un accomplished dream
Lying on my bed in absolute darkness
Tik tik the quartz clock
Hanging on wall
It has been punished for years
Forced to tune with my heart.
My soul started to whisper
Moody Blues, singing lullaby
So many questions, un answered
So many regrets
Why did I not dare
Did I lose Time?
Or did Time loose me?
Wondering, wandering in confused emptiness.
Its 4.00 am
Fate haunts me, like death angel its prey
It even regrets, it has nothing to say
Nothing in spare
Not even a smile for a charity
Secretly exploring, experimenting
God, His display
Excavating,seeding rather, that complex sadness
What a Cruel Artist! is He
Humiliating my soul
Tasting His silence through me
I have all the sympathies in the world for Him
My artist weeping at His own defective piece
Playing never ending an unchained melody
Feeling ashamed, feeling guilty
Have peace God.

Dr Khan Inamullah Agha......... 22nd January 2012


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