
Showing posts from 2015


Dr.Agha Inamullah Khan 21 st September 2015 Of all the variety of cash crops grown in Pakistan, a country which Allah has blessed with all four seasons, rice and wheat have been our staple food since the times the earth opened its eyes in to earliest of civilizations like Mesopotamia(Modern Iraq) and Harappa & Indus valley(Sindh). Wheat in sub-continent is unique for its taste and crispiness that it adds to bread which is never to be found anywhere else in the World. Two decades ago one of the scientists in West called Nap Hall researched to study as to what particular series of genetic base pairs in its DNA gave it a peculiar taste that is found here in wheat of Pakistan and India only; and concluded that such flavor is only result of natural genetic mutation that has occurred over thousands of years, which is not possible in any modern Research lab and quite interestingly that peculiar flavor is only possible in this particular soil and environment and nowhere else...


Dr.Agha Inamullah Khan 28 th May 2015 The problem always at its heart has been how to maintain the writ of the government while ensuring that marginal and peripheral groups are fully included as citizens of the state and their rights and privileges firmly safeguarded. We know that national security interests must be kept in balance with those of human rights, civil liberties and democracy. However countering consequences albeit of religious disharmony, political instability and foreign hand involvement that has engulfed our country with terrorism, may have led to loss of innocent lives as well; but has it not been worst in the name of collateral damage when United States besides precision of its equipment has droned you. Keeping aside the foreign hand involvement and cursing Martial Laws in past that have been the ultimate reasons as you repeatedly quote to be behind of what you face today, what measures have you taken to curb the growing terrorism and economic disequilibri...


By Dr Agha Inamullah khan 23 rd Nov 2014 Post World War, as the sun began to go down on British Empire, it went on shrinking, awarding finally the freedom to many of indigenous nations, and territories that it had occupied, consequently a country was born in the name of religion halving India in to India and Pakistan. Two names emerged on the international Arena of Political wisdom; Mahatama Gandhi of South Africa in India, and Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah of Pakistan. Following their footsteps, two new faces emerged; Ms.Indira from Gandhi family, and Mr.Bhutto in Pakistan. But soon both, Bhuttos, and Gandhis were eliminated one by one. Both countries are now being ruled by a tea vendor, and Blacksmith brothers respectively. Many in both countries still believe, the hatred was cleverly manipulated through Lawrence’s of that time working on the doctrine of British Empire, for the ultimate long term goals to be achieved latter. The massacre during the mass mig...

نثارکوکر ڇا تو واري سنڌ ۾ اسين سنڌي ناهيون!

ڊاڪٽر آغاانعام الله چوندا آهن ته موسيقي جو ڪو مذهب ناهي هوندو، ساڳي ريت منهنجي نّظر ٻولي جو به ڪو مذهب يا ذات پات ناهي هوندي، اها ان قوم جي فقط شناخت هوندي آهي، ان قوم جي احساسن جي ترجماني. شاه عبدالطيف ڀٽائي کانسواءِ سنڌ اڻپوري آهي، جي ڀٽائي کي سنڌ کان ڌار ڪيون ته سنڌ وٽ باقي بچي ڇا ٿو! ڀٽائي تاڃي پيٽي سنڌي نه هو، سنڌس وڏڙا جن ڏينهن مغلن افغانستان کي پنهنجي تابع ڪيو پنهنجو ديس افغانستان جو صوبو حرات ڇڏي سنڌ ۾ پراڻن هالن ۾ سڪونت اختيار ڪيائون.  مٽياري ۾ شروع کان سڀ کان وڏي درگاه قطب ارشاد حضرت سخي پير رڪن الدين رحه جي مزار مبارڪ آهي. پاڻ مخدوم ساهڙ لنجار رحه جومريد ۽ خاص خليفوهو. جڏهن سنڌ جي ملن مخدوم بلاول رحه کي گهاڻي ۾ پينهي شهيد ڪيو، ته سائين جن جو پيٺل جسم مبارڪ دکي ۾ رکي مخدوم ساهڙ لنجار مدفن ڪيوهو. سخي پير رڪن الدين رحه کي ٻه فرزند سيد محمد حافظ ۽ سيد ابوبڪرنالي سان هئا. جن جي اولاد کي پيرزاده سڏجي ٿو. حضرت هاشم شاه رحه مٽياريءَ ۾ پنهنجي وقت جو وڏو قلندر ٿي گذريو آهي. مشهور آهي ته لطيف سائينءَ جو والد شاه حبيب سندن مريد هو. جنهن کي اولاد نه ٿيندو هو، پوءِ سخي ه...